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A team of data-driven marketers obsessed with generating revenue for our clients.

Because the proof is in the pudding.

At Campaign Creators we live by three principles: Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose.

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2 min read

Why Does Content Matter

Search engines work every day to improve the user experience. You, the user, are like the worst kind of significant other – demanding and needy....

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3 min read

Punctuatively Speaking: On Using the Oxford Comma

The other day, a few of us copywriters were huddled around one of our office tables discussing what might be the most debated topic in writing: the...

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1 min read

Inbound Hack #6: Dejargonate Your Blog

In this [video] learn how to increase the clarity of your blog or website copy by removing unneeded words and jargon using the free Unbounce...

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3 min read

3 Simple Tips to Get You Blogging

I have a confession: I did not go to school to be a blogger. I don’t have a degree in journalism or creative writing. What I do have is over a decade...

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2 min read

Blogging Bits of Advice for Beginners

Blogs. They’re everywhere. In online publications, websites, forums, DIY sites and more. Some may accuse these blips of information as simple fodder...

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2 min read

Writing Habits to Quit ASAP

Over the years of our daily writing and research escapades, we’ve witnessed our fair share of bad writing. Trust us, it hurts. As copywriters...

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