How to Collect Data to Reinforce Your CRO Strategy
Importance of Data Collection An actionable conversion rate optimization strategy starts with gaining insight into the hearts and minds of your past,...
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A team of data-driven marketers obsessed with generating revenue for our clients.
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At Campaign Creators we live by three principles: Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose.
1 min read
Tammy Duggan-Herd
10/28/17 7:58 AM
In order for a potential lead to turn over their personal information via a form on your landing page, they first have to trust you. But how do you establish trust in the limited space available for copy on a landing page?
Here are five simple tactics you can use to build trust and increase your landing page conversion rates.
Establishing authority can be as simple as including a short blurb on what your company does to benefit its customers. It can also include any specific (and truthful) statistics you have on your offer's effectiveness or customer satisfaction.
A customer testimonial (even a short quote) goes a long way to build trust. But make sure they are real! If you make up over-enthusiastic statements by characters from stock photo sites, you will come across as inauthentic.
Space for copy is limited on landing pages and should be very focused on your call-to-action and offer benefits, so you can use these tactics which require no copy to build trust:
You can provide social proof by displaying the amount of downloads of your asset, customers who have purchased the product or the number of registrations for your event. Knowing that others have done something quells fears and makes a person feel more confident in their choice to take the same action.
This is not the time to be modest. If you have affiliations with trusted, influential people in your field or industry, include images of them to build your credibility. The popularity of influencer marketing is proof that this technique works.
This is a classic technique to garner trust. If you have associations or partnerships with trusted companies in your space that are relevant and well-known then display them. This is particularly important if you are asking for payment or identity information.
For more help with creating high converting landing pages check out these resources:
5 Tips for Writing Landing Page Copy that Converts
What We're Talking About...Landing Pages that Convert
How to Create a Landing Page that Converts
And if you need help optimizing your entire digital campaign - emails, Ads, landing pages - then the Campaign Optimization Handbook is for you! Download it now to start implementing tactics proven to boost your campaign performance and get your metrics out of the gutter.
Importance of Data Collection An actionable conversion rate optimization strategy starts with gaining insight into the hearts and minds of your past,...
Every day, more than 25,000,000 pieces of content are shared.
Chances are, you're already tracking the bounce rates for your web pages, since they're one of the most insightful optimization metrics. But what...