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A team of data-driven marketers obsessed with generating revenue for our clients.

Because the proof is in the pudding.

At Campaign Creators we live by three principles: Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose.

Customer Success Story

VitaCup needed email marketing expertise to support their small team during rapid growth

VitaCup is an eCommerce business that created the first-ever vitamin-infused coffee and tea pods for single-serve coffee makers.

  • B2C Food & Beverages
  • Klaviyo
  • HubSpot
  • Zaius
  • Email Marketing
  • ECommerce Marketing
  • Advanced Database Segmentation


Increase in email revenue.


Increase in revenue from workflows.


Increase in average email open rates.

The Challenge

VitaCup, an eCommerce business that sells vitamin-infused coffee and tea pods, experienced rapid growth immediately after they launched. As a small startup team, they lacked the time and resources needed to support all of their marketing activities, especially email marketing.

While they did implement some email marketing on their own, this resulted in a large number of spam complaints and deliverability issues on their end, making it almost impossible to convert contacts through email. They were also eventually cut off from their email provider due to a large number of spam complaints.

They also had a large existing database of contacts built from their paid media channels. Unfortunately, few of those contacts actually converted into a purchase, or they struggled to have existing customers purchase with them again.

The Goal

VitaCup knew they needed help from someone with email marketing expertise in order be more effective with their marketing. They wanted to find someone who could help them navigate and take over their email marketing activities, including messaging, technology, and integrations.

They also had more specific goals to grow their list and improve their customer retention and loyalty. Specifically, they wanted to see a 20 - 30% repurchase rate from their customers.

To support their small team, they hoped to get automated campaigns set up to help them automatically and intelligently deliver the right emails at the right time.

“Being able to partner with somebody that could help us with automation strategies and messaging strategies to meet those goals were really key.”

The Solution

Campaign Creator's helped VitaCup by first providing a new Email Marketing strategy, which included implementing both engagement and re-engagement email campaigns. For example, a welcome email series was developed to engage new contacts and customers, and an abandoned-cart email series was created to re-engage and remind contacts about products left in their online shopping cart.

To support their email marketing strategy, Campaign Creators implemented advanced database segmentation that helped make sure only certain contacts were receiving certain emails, decreasing spam complaints tremendously.

With the help of Campaign Creators eCommerce Marketing services, two more email campaigns were created to improve their customer retention and loyalty. A replenishment email series was created to re-engage past customers right before they were about to run out of their VitaCup products, reminding them to purchase again. Another was a re-engagement series which turned once cold leads into warm leads.

To continue improving VitaCup's email marketing, Campaign Creators implemented Conversion Rate Optimization tactics, such as conducting email A/B testing for further email optimization. An SMS marketing strategy was also implemented to complement VitaCup's email marketing efforts by engaging with customers through texts.

The Results

After 4 months with Campaign Creators, VitaCup's email channel brought in even more revenue than expected, seeing a 242% increase - surpassing $100,000.

By the 7-month marker, email became 26% of their entire revenue. Also at this time, 3% of overall revenue was generated through automation, meaning revenue was being generated without VitaCup having to lift a finger.

After 1 year, VitaCup saw a 559% increase in their email channel revenue, which left them well over 7 figures! Their email efforts garnered a larger email click-rate and open-rate averages, respectively growing from 0.89% to 1.85% and 11.75% to 20.12%. Lastly, with more targeted emails, spam complaints reduced significantly.

Let's talk about how we can help you meet your marketing and sales goals.