Campaign Creators Digital Marketing Blog

How To Prioritize CRO Improvements

Written by Sean Farias | 12/2/16 7:02 PM

In this hack, Sean shows viewers how to prioritize all the possible conversion rate optimization improvements you could make to your landing page or website using the PIE analysis.

This blog post is part of Your Definitive Guide to Lead Generation blog series.

Video Transcription

As I mentioned at Inbound, a big topic of conversation was what we call CRO or Conversion Rate Optimization. Now, when it comes to priorities, that's a bit of a different beast.

You have the pie analysis which is an interesting way to then prioritize some of the improvements that we're utilizing and implementing as a result of this heuristic framework. Use these two in conjunction, they become much more powerful. Hack number three is the pie analysis. Pie stands for potential, importance, and ease and then with those three numbers combined, you then come up with a score. The interesting part about this, although, this was presented in a conversation rate optimization framework, it doesn't necessarily have to be part of conversion rate optimization.

For instance, this is a framework that we're also using for our campaign optimization, to figure out how we prioritize certain activities from a campaign optimization standpoint. You can see here, it's broken down into three main criteria.

Number one, potential. How much potential does that adjustment really have to improve your website? If it's something that can potentially reap massive gains and massive benefits, it's something that we should be focusing on a little bit more. If it's just a small change and we don't expect it to have a lot of potential as far as providing better results, then, we probably want to give that a lower score.

These scores are just from a one to ten standpoint.

Importance. Importance is important because we know that we're not always in control of what we want to change, if we're something like a consultant, somebody like an agency, we don't always know how important certain things are to clients. A lot of times, what I'll do is I'll ask the client to prioritize or to give me some perspective on what they think is the most important.

We're looking at potential first, which is what is the potential impact. We're looking at importance, which is a gauge for how much we really want to do this sooner, rather than later. And a lot of times, we have to consult the stakeholders in order to do that. Then, finally, the third one is ease. How easy is it to do something? If you can make a change that has a potential large impact, and it's very easy to do, we want to prioritize that a little bit higher and the client's telling us it's an important thing. If it's something that's very difficult to do and provides not a lot of impact, then it's probably something we want prioritize a little but further down.

 Here, you can see the score of all these items on the right-hand side. Then, after we would create this list, we would assign these scores and then we'd organize them from most important to least important in creating the hierarchy for how we want to address these things.

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